Corolla Cross Launching at TPQM - 19-12-2023

The launch of Corolla Cross Hybrid Electric Vehicle at Toyota Port Qasim Motors on 19-Dec-2023

Road Show At Port Qasim Authority

Toyota Port Qasim Motors is pleased to invite all of our valued customers to our business partnership (Road Show) with Port Qasim Authority at, PQA Authority Building, Port Qasim.

Toyota GR-S Experiential Drive - 23 Sept 2023

At the Toyota GR-S Experiential Drive at Expo Centre Karachi, Toyota Port Qasim Motors and Toyota Central Motors worked together collaboratively. This Fortuner GR-S and REVO-GRS drive was, in fact, quite educational and exciting. There were several fantastic new features of the GR-S version's 4 Wheel Drive available.

TMAP Visit to TPQM - August 2023

Thank you for allowing Toyota Port Qasim Motors to show them our dealership and the current amenities and services we offer to our customers, Mr. Kamalshamsul Adnan (Deputy General Manager - After Sales Planning & Field Operations Dept. TMAP) & Mr. Faizan Safdar (Senior Specialist - After Sales Planning & Field Operations Dept. TMAP). He left us with a very nice review after being really delighted with our services. 

Independence Day Celebration - Aug 2023

Unity,Faith, and Discipline" is the guiding principle and National Motto of Pakistan,We all are one Nation, Built on harmony,development, prosperity and peace, Achieving milestine for a better future.
Toyota Port Qàsim Motors are celebrating the 14th August, 2023 with our Customers and IMC.

TMAP Visit to TPQM - July 2023

Toyota Port Qasim Motors would like to share the glimpse of the visit of Bryant San (GM TMAP), Kawashima San (TTAP) along with Alam Ayub San (IMC Management) at our dealership. It was a fruitful meeting where the future of Toyota vehicles and Sales were being discussed.
We look forward to have more visits like this for a better and mutual understanding with Toyota personnel.

Celebration on 2 Year's

Together with, the CEO and the Directors celebrated the staff's two-year anniversary. 

Road Show With Faysal Bank

Here are some photos from Toyota Port Qasim Motors' successfully concluded road show in collaboration with the Askari Phase 5 Branch of Faysal Bank. There were several insightful questions and a strong interest in Toyota vehicles. The Installment Plan offered by Faysal Bank was also skillfully emphasized.

Delivering Toyota Hilux To Government Institution

Toyota Port Qasim motors have the privilege to serve the government institution by delivering Toyota Hilux single cabin with fabrication and modification for security patrolling.

The Toyota port Qasim team was honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve them.

Record Sales Of 7,001 Units

Team Toyota Port Qasim Motors Celebrating Record Sales Of 7,001 Units- by Indus Motor Company in the Month Of October 2021.

Independence Day Celebration - Aug 2021


Celebrating 75 years of Azaadi with full spirit & love, Toyota Port Qasim Motors wish all our valued customers a Happy independence Day.

Inaugural Ceremony

We are proud to announce the inaugural of our new dealership "Toyota Port Qasim Motors". Inaugurated by the chairman of Indus Motor Company Mr. Mohammadali Rafiq Habib followed by our MD Mr. Saleem Habib Godil and Director Mr.Shahzad Godil.